Two great consultations

First, I had a consultation with Zoe’s teacher. She’s doing great. Funny thing, like a cute little boy with an Afro I remember well from the 70s, Zoe’s not always the first one to raise a hand, but she always knows the answer when called on.

I enjoy parent-teacher conferences. Back in the day, as I recall, teacher conferences tended to occur only when there was something wrong. Now, it’s a pretty standard practice to be invited in periodically to get a status report on your child.

The second piece of good news… I had a very pleasant consultation with my oncologist. Seems it’s been a year and I remain tumor free. What had been check ups every 3 months will now be check ups every 6 months.

One year down and a lifetime to go.

A lot to be thankful for…my kid is not having any problems in school and my lungs aren’t having any problems in my chest. It was a good week for great news!


  1. Rosemary

    Happy for Zoe, of course, but even happier for you. Your news brought a tear to my eye, my friend. So glad you are healthy. And I hope the lifetime continues the same.


  2. Kasia

    Congratulations, sounds like really great news. We should always remember that our health and well being of our loved ones are the most important things in our lives…not material goods.
    All the best!


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