Batman to the rescue

I must admit when I first skimmed the story – Who is the Route 29 Batman? – and saw it was about a guy my age in a Batman suit driving a Lamborghini, I laughed and thought what a nut (albeit a nut with a cool Batsuit and a sweet ride), but then I took a couple of minutes to read the entire story.

It’s the story of a Baltimore area businessman who spends time with sick kids, and yeah, he happens to do it in a Batsuit.

This Gotham city wannabe may be a little eccentric but it seems his heart is in the right place.

Baltimore Batman is 48 years old.

A funny thing about the late 40s – maybe some of you in this demographic will agree – it’s a time of life when you think more about things that matter more…like making a difference, giving more than taking, putting a smile on someone’s face.

We don’t have to buy $5k worth of black leather and neoprene to be a hero (I’m an old school spandex guy myself), sometimes simply giving of ones self is more powerful than a locomotive!

Go get ’em Route 29 Batman!


  1. Kay Lorraine

    John, what does Batman do for sick kids? Does he just walk around the hospital and look cool? Does he bring the kids toys and games? Are Baltimore parents a little freaked out by this 48-year-old man in a black leather and neoprene bat suit who wants to play with their kids? Yikes!

    You’re right that when you hit mid-life, you start prioritizing your life differently. I volunteer at a homeless shelter. My friend Wally Amos (of Famous Amos cookie fame) reads to kids at the public library every week. Another friend helps homeless kids with their homework several nights a week.

    Personally, I’d skip the spandex body suit and just volunteer to coach a little league team. But hey, that’s just me.

    Warmest aloha,
    Kay in Hawaii


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