Renewing the landscape

Before we begin, It’s not gone unnoticed that this is the third time I’m finding myself waxing philosophic as a result of one of my evening walks with our four-legged family member Rocky. 

Please forgive me! O.K., let’s begin… 

I don’t know about other locales here in the south, but in Atlanta pine straw is the ground cover of choice for all varieties of landscaping. 

As I’m told by those whose thumbs are greener than mine, pine straw (actually the needles from the pine tree) is more durable than hard wood mulch and stands up better to temperature fluctuations. 

All that aside, it looks really nice when it’s freshly installed. During an early evening stroll not too long ago, I noticed that the pine straw guys came through to replenish the neighborhood supply. 

I can’t help but notice how much brighter and cleaner the neighborhood is after the pine straw guys come calling. 

As the old pine straw deteriorates and degrades, it’s replaced with new needles and the neighborhood is refreshed and renewed. 

At the risk of giving in to my increasing with age deep thinking side, I have to go for the obvious metaphors…renewal, replenishment, refreshment. 

Shouldn’t we all get some new pine straw into our lives!?!? 

Who’d have thought a walk with the dog and a simple mulch could cause such introspection!



  1. Karen

    My husband (he’s the one with the green thumb; I can kill a fake plant) uses recycled rubber as mulch. He gets it in a red, pine straw color and, surprisingly, it doesn’t smell like a tire factory when the summer sun warms it up (I live about 5 hours south of you)! But, like you I think, I love it when a garden has been freshly mulched! It does feel rejuvenating! Also like you, I get inspired while walking my dog…


  2. Susan Cooper/

    I walk most every day and like you it brings introspection. I love your thoughts about the pinevstraw and renewal, replenish, refresh. It’s what life is.


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